The main operating company of the Child children's clothing for men and women; T-shirt, pants, skirts, sports and leisure, knit shirts, underwear, all types of children's clothing, suits, suits, and other goods. Company "specialization, brand and scale" of the operating objectives, "integrity" as the operation is based on working-class, reflect the operating characteristics of the product, to play a scale advantage, Shijiazhuang has developed into a brand to make clothing for export Foreign trade and domestic sales of brand-name clothing companies.
The company has the right to export, the company exports all the year round [Japan; Korea; the United States; Russia; Bulgaria; New Zealand; in the Middle East and Europe and the United States, such as large, medium and small countries. Small; China; big 'children's clothing apparel. 缈昏瘧缃戦〉 涓枃 禄 鑻辫 缈昏瘧 Google 涓婚〉 - 鍏充簬 Google 缈昏瘧 ">
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[ Company Information ]
Shijiazhuang every day of the new foreign trade Shijiazhuang is a clothing company specializing in children's clothing trade dress production and processing, wholesale, retail and private enterprises, has been operating for 15 years of history.
The main operating company of the Child children's clothing for men and women; T-shirt, pants, skirts, sports and leisure, knit shirts, underwear, all types of children's clothing, suits, suits, and other goods. Company "specialization, brand and scale" of the operating objectives, "integrity" as the operation is based on working-class, reflect the operating characteristics of the product, to play a scale advantage, Shijiazhuang has developed into a brand to make clothing for export Foreign trade and domestic sales of brand-name clothing companies.
The company has the right to export, the company exports all the year round [Japan; Korea; the United States; Russia; Bulgaria; New Zealand; in the Middle East and Europe and the United States, such as large, medium and small countries. Small; China; big 'children's clothing apparel.
涓枃 禄 鑻辫 缈昏瘧

鎰熻阿鎮ㄤ负 Google 缈昏瘧鎻愪緵缈昏瘧寤鸿銆傛垜浠細鍒╃敤鎮ㄧ殑寤鸿鍦ㄥ皢鏉ユ洿鏂版垜浠殑绯荤粺鏃舵彁楂樼炕璇戣川閲忋€? Shijiazhuang every day of the new foreign trade Shijiazhuang is a clothing company specializing in children's clothing trade dress production and processing, wholesale, retail and private enterprises, has been operating for 15 years of history.
The main operating company of the Child children's clothing for men and women; T-shirt, pants, skirts, sports and leisure, knit shirts, underwear, all types of children's clothing, suits, suits, and other goods. Company "specialization, brand and scale" of the operating objectives, "integrity" as the operation is based on working-class, reflect the operating characteristics of the product, to play a scale advantage, Shijiazhuang has developed into a brand to make clothing for export Foreign trade and domestic sales of brand-name clothing companies.
The company has the right to export, the company exports all the year round [Japan; Korea; the United States; Russia; Bulgaria; New Zealand; in the Middle East and Europe and the United States, such as large, medium and small countries. Small; China; big 'children's clothing apparel.


涓枃 禄 鑻辫 缈昏瘧

Google 涓婚〉 - 鍏充簬 Google 缈昏瘧
[ Main Business ]
The main operating company of the Child children's clothing for men and women; T-shirt, pants, skirts, sports and leisure, knit shirts, underwear, all types of children's clothing, suits, suits, and other goods
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Ms  yang shaohua
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